I have started seeing requests for contributions at the bottom of the screen.
Why the change?
i have started seeing requests for contributions at the bottom of the screen.. why the change?
I have started seeing requests for contributions at the bottom of the screen.
Why the change?
me and my wife were at the beach the other day and i finally told her, i don't think i believe in god anymore.
i fessed up to the fact that it started with me doubting some jw beliefs and then it just led me to this point where i don't even believe in god.
i wouldn't say that i even have a negative view towards jw's or religion in general.
Gatorguy, you have come to a discussion group to ask STRANGERS about how you should plot the course of your most intimate life.
Unlike others here who back away from the issue by saying they are "unqualified" to offer advice, I can assure you that >I< am "fully qualified" to offer MY OPINION, because:
1. I am a stranger to you, and as I said, you sought the advice of strangers
2. No one else here knows what MY OPINION is, only I know that
3. I have been criticized here as a "self-appointed elder" by persons who appointed themselves to criticize ME. See the irony there?
So here you go; MY OPINION is that because you are already thinking of finding a new mate, that is exactly what you should do. Leave this relationship! You have no cosmic obligation to stick to a BAD DECISION. You are not required to sacrifice your peace of mind and self respect for the rest of your breathing days on this earth in an effort to be someone else's easter bunny.
Having kids to fix an unhappy marriage NEVER works. Any kids produced from an unloving union will be prisoners of your bad decision even more than you are.
That is what I think you should do. Now the ball is back in your court; what will you do?
have you ever had a dog that was dumber than a box of rocks?
i have; his name was dave matthews.
we loved him anyway.
You mentioned that you have no idea of Stanley's early life. I think it is quite likely he was severely ignored or even abused during his youth, resulting in what in humans is called "failure to thrive" syndrome. I am not saying this as a "put down" of Stanley, but in his brain certain cognitive circuits were never developed. That doesn't make him any less adorable, and it doesn't mean that the love you offer him is not returned a hundredfold in his heart.
"Good Boy, Stanley! Go find Doctor Livingston!"
great news!.
we are free!.
as of the 9th of june, me and my dear wife mrs. eden handed over our letters of disassociation at bethel in portugal, thus making official our departure from the jehovah's witnesses.
is something going on in jw land i don't know about.
she and her new husband and my two.
grand daughters, one i have never seen.
Maybe she heard the recent official announcement that Armageddon will be here before 2040 and she wants to save your life?
Her motivation may be loving and concerned, but her worldview is wacko.
Ask if her belief in this date is so strong that she will sell all she has - yes, even all her shoes - and throw herself and her family headlong into the full-time misery? OK, they may call it "ministry" but WE know it for what it is, don't we?
Or will she follow the example of the Watchtower Governing Body and simply pay lipservice to this "new light" while carrying on like nothing was going to happen?
The GB is right - nothing is going to happen! They just like to keep people "tuned-up" and in line by spouting bilge every so often.
Fair warning - after her visit she will be angry at you for rejecting her message of doom.
a little background- i faded in august 2015. ive got to small kids and one on the way.
i dont believe the jw cult nonsense anymore.. .
ok so last night i had the scariest dream.
Greybeard said, "100% Ya think? Right on Nathan, we got to talk someday..."
I am incontrovertibly certain of it, because this was revealed to me IN A DREAM.
No, sometimes I just like to say things to make people jump. Dreams are the garbage-disposal units of the brain. The reason they seem plausible and believable is because they are snippets of our individual memories. If they were snippets of SOMEONE ELSE's memories, we wouldn't recognize them, and we'd be arrested for peeping-Tom-ism and we would owe royalties to the person whose memories we just viewed.
It's simple. Fortunately I am simple too...
I've read your story, Greybeard. Rough. You didn't deserve much of what happened to you.
http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/us/muhammad-ali/index.html?adkey=bn .
LoveUniHatesExams said, "PS "not so old" - he was 74. He had his three score years and ten, plus a bonus of four years. Not bad going for an ex-pugilist."
It was in 1984 that Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and the last 3 decades of his life were spent suffering from that disease, so consider him tragically "gone" at 44.
For WitnessMyFury, a quote: "That is not dead which can forever lie, and in Strange Eons even Death may die."
a little background- i faded in august 2015. ive got to small kids and one on the way.
i dont believe the jw cult nonsense anymore.. .
ok so last night i had the scariest dream.
Dreams are 100% accurate predictors of events that happen in a parallel universe.
http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/us/muhammad-ali/index.html?adkey=bn .
DID you know...?
When Cassius Clay became Muhammed Ali and refused to comply with the US Draft, his case was presented to the Supreme Court by the famous alcoholic Hayden Covington, who established the rights of JW book-sellers to be considered "ministers."
I personally benefitted from Covington's work (indirectly), yet I would rather he (and I) had never been born.
sorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040.. https://tv.jw.org/#en/video/vodprogramsevents/pub-jwbmw_201511_3_video.
2040, eh?
Is this a "clever" way of obfuscating 2034, the "bible-based" date arrived at by adding the 120 years of Noah's "ministry" to the date 1914, the year when suddenly, nothing happened?
Apologies to Blondie, I replied before I read her comment.